My Story
I am a clinical social worker with an extensive history of working with children and families. I have always been drawn to advocating for those who do not have a voice. Whether I was working with foster children, children, and families in a hospital child development center or working with minority populations in a school setting, I wanted to help bring about change.
When my daughter began having problems in first grade, I was sure that I would know exactly how to get her help with my background in Social Work. I had worked with other children who had disabilities and delays, and I got them help, so this should be easy, right? Little did I know that Dyslexia would be a whole different world for me and that even with my education and background, it would still be the biggest struggle in being a mom. I wondered, “If this is hard for me, what must it be like for other parents?” I soon found out that they had similar or worse situations. I spent the next few years dedicating all my time to learning more. I took many training classes in Dyslexia and Special Education Law. I received a Special Education Advocacy certificate from William and Mary Law School, and I am a member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPPA). I have continued to advocate in my local school district and act as the parent liaison for my daughter’s middle school dyslexia group. I volunteer much of my time with Decoding Dyslexia to help spread its mission in educating and advocating for dyslexia. I also speak to many parent groups on topics related to Dyslexia and Special Education.

My Experience
Over 25 years of experience working with children and families in the areas of Early Childhood Intervention, Counseling, Foster Care, and Special Education Advocacy.
A license in Clinical Social Work with added licenses in Supervision and Child Care Administration.
William and Mary Law School PELE Clinic-Certification in Special Education Advocacy
COPAA member (Council of Parents, Attorneys and Advocates)
International Dyslexia Association- Member
Decoding Dyslexia Texas- Member (Volunteer- Legislative Advocacy Team)
AISD Dyslexia Committee-Volunteer Advisory Committee Member and Parent Liason for Murchison Dyslexia Discussion Parent Group
Dyslexia Smart of Laredo- Volunteer Parent Training and Advocate